Tag Archives: Venta de proyectos verdes

Financing and Sale of Green Projects

Sopelia provides support for financing and sale of green projects around the world.

The documentation to provide to access this financing must include:

1) Country in which the project is located

2) Type of project

3) Power in MW

4) Permissions you already have

5) PPA (if you already have it or if you are in the process of obtaining it)

6) Environmental study

7) Legal study

8) Social impact assessment

9) Property or land rights

10) Study and interconnection zone.

This information is analyzed by Sopelia and sent to the investment funds with which the company operates for evaluation.

Those funds interested in financing the project will sign a letter of intent with the project owner before signing the final contract.

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Regarding projects sale, the documentation to be provided must include:

1) Corporate structure of the owner

2) IT code

3) Installed capacity in MW

4) Historical production of last 4 years

5) Value of tangible and intangible fixed assets and depreciation schedule

6) Existing balance in accounts (operational, CRSD and maintenance)

7) Detail of annual operating costs (indicating scope and term of the O&M contract)

8) Financing contract (calendar, pending debt, Swap, type, margin, annual agency cost)

9) Equity structure (participating loans, value and annual cost)

10) Tax credits (BINS, financial interest to be deducted, environmental credits, tax credits for amortization limitation, etc.).

This information is analyzed by Sopelia and sent to the investment funds with which the company operates for evaluation.

Those funds interested in acquiring the project will sign a letter of intent with the project owner before signing the final contract.

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Both in financing and in projects sale, it is a sine quanon condition to provide all the detailed information with its corresponding supporting documentation.

To understand financing process for these projects, you can access the following posts:

Green Projects Financing

Green Projects Financing(II)

All you need is Sun. All you need is Sopelia.