Tag Archives: projects financing in latin america

Green Projects Financing

Many renewable energy projects have all the permits and have made the necessary (technical and economic) assessments that clearly demonstrate their great potential and cost-effectiveness.

Why aren´t they carried out ?

Simply because they don´t find the financing these kind of long term projects need.

Which projects can access affordable financing immediately ?

They are called RTB (Ready to Build), which basically count on:

* Technical and economic study
* Environmental impact assessment
* Grid connection point assigned
* PPA signed or electricity sales price fixed.

Resultado de imagen de financiación de proyectos verdes

To arrive at this categorization, initial kick is to make a terrain on which project is intended to develop evaluation respect to following variables:

– Unevenness
– Renewable resource availability
– Kms distance to paved transport routes
– Kms distance to electrical substation.

From this first analysis it is decided whether or not it is worthwhile to elaborate the project.

On June 3rd, 2017, Sopelia has become Representative Fiduciary Agent for Latin America of a major Abu Dhabi Investment Fund.

This Investment Fund collects and manages a multimillion-dollar portfolio of local, regional and international investments, which wishes to reinvest in projects financing to third investors, project owners and business facilitators in general at an annual interest rate of 3%.

These must be long-term investment projects that can generate an acceptable ROI during funding period.

Funding amounts range from a minimum of U$D 1 million to a maximum of U$D 10.9 billion.

The financing access process is very easy and transparent, with a direct relationship with investor once project qualifies established criteria.

We invite all renewable energy projects owners to send us their initiatives for our previous review.

After this preliminary stage, Investment Fund Board of Directors will analyze the project to determine if it is within the scope of our financing.

Resultado de imagen de evaluación de proyectos

Subsequently, a group of consultants will conduct a reevaluation and evaluation (due diligence).

This is the most important step in financing considering process.

The due diligence defines the terms and conditions to approve the financing and these conditions will be the basis of agreement that will be signed by Investment Fund and project owner.

As soon as due diligence process is completed, the Investment Fund will officially make a financing offer to project owner in very clear and precise terms.

Once terms have been established to grant the loan and if terms and conditions are declared acceptable by project owner, he is invited to sign the financing agreement to officially confirm Investment Fund’s project contribution.

All you need is Sun. All you need is Sopelia.