Category Archives: Solar Energy

Solar Skills

Many times the purpose of incorporating solar energy to our professional skills, scope of business or personal life has hovered in our head.

We have almost always run into the same barrier: time.

We are working or studying and we find it very difficult to have even a few hours a week.

It is rare to find training offerings that are not too short (few hours workshops) or too long (one or more years) and which in turn have an affordable price.

If we add the difficulty of having to move, because most are taught in presence, finally we ended up postponing again and again for this purpose.

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In 2014 Sopelia gave, in collaboration with the Technology National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina), the Technical – Commercial Solar Energy Course in tele-learning (distance + presence) methodology.

In 2016 Sopelia updated and divided that training action in 2 Specific courses:

* Technical – Commercial Solar Thermal Energy

* Technical – Commercial Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Sopelia rode them on a Moodle 3.1 platform and the result is 2 courses in e-learning methodology.

This means you can receive Solar Energy training with the best market value wherever you are.

You only need a PC, Smartphone or Tablet and Internet.

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These two courses provide technical and commercial training in solar energy domestic applications with the aim of spreading the technology and develop human resources for incorporation into work and business world.

You will identify the most relevant aspects of solar energy within the current energy landscape.

You will define, describe and analyze the most important features of solar energy.

You will know the composition, understand the operation, design and maintenance of facilities to implement thermal and photovoltaic solar energy projects.

It is a training aimed at students and technical careers graduates, technical schools graduates, engineers, architects, professionals and installers of related sectors (air conditioning, electricity, rural), people with experience in renewable energies, environmental professionals and individuals interested in incorporating solar energy into their lives.

The 2017 1st edition starts on April 18th and ends on June 30th.

You can register until April 15th inclusive in

If you are under 35 years old and live in Latin America, with the course completed, you can apply to be Sopelia Country Manager in your country of residence.

And if you are under 30 and live in Latin America, you can get a grant of 50% and finished the course, become Sopelia Trainee.

If you speak Spanish you have no excuses, Solar Energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

Beca Solar

Si usted pertenece o representa a instituciones u organismos como los que se detallan a continuación, dispone de una beca solar para otorgar al / la beneficiari@ que el ente designe:

• Entidades académicas, educativas o de formación profesional

• Colegios o consejos profesionales

• Organismos gubernamentales de áreas medio ambiente y energías renovables

• Cámaras y asociaciones del sector energías renovables y medio ambiente

• Sindicatos, cámaras y asociaciones de los sectores electricidad y climatización

• Fundaciones con actividad en el sector medio ambiente

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Para acceder a la beca solamente hay que difundir la formación e-learning solar de en los medios de comunicación habituales a través de los que la institución u organismo difunde este tipo de iniciativas.

Existe la posibilidad de recibir en metálico parte de la inscripción abonada por el/la alumn@ en caso de que la entidad beneficiaria de la beca esté abierta a una más estrecha colaboración.

Pueden enviarnos sus datos (nombre, correo electrónico, institución u organismo que representa) si desean ingresar como Invitado a la plataforma e-learning y tener acceso completo a la acción de formación.

Se trata de la formación en Energía Solar con la mejor relación calidad-precio del mercado.

Puede recibirse donde quiera que estés.

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Solamente se necesita una computadora, smartphone o dispositivo móvil y conexión a Internet.

Esta acción de formación brinda capacitación técnico – comercial en aplicaciones domésticas de energía solar con el objetivo de difundir la tecnología y desarrollar recursos humanos para su incorporación al mundo laboral y empresarial.

La edición 2017 comienza el día 18 de abril y finaliza el día 30 de junio.

El plazo de inscripción es hasta el día 15 de abril inclusive en

La persona beneficiaria de la beca, si tiene menos de 35 años y vive en América Latina, finalizado el curso puede optar además a ser Country Manager Sopelia en su país de residencia.

Ya no tienes excusas, si quieres aportar tu rayito de sol para contribuir al desarrollo de la Energía Solar, tu partner es Sopelia.

The Renewable Mirage Of Spain

The fact that large-scale renewable projects development started later in Latin America than in other locations, gives the region the possibility of adopting policies that have been successful in other places.

Contrary to what some may think the case of Spain is, in many ways, an example of what should not be done.

The country has only renewable native energy resources and an irrelevant carbon reserve.

Spain was the world leader in renewables and an important industrial, professional and services sector was created in the country.

Unfortunately, this development was not genuine or fruit of energy planning but the result of a custom deeply rooted in Spanish idiosyncrasy: “the pelotazo”.

Mess produced, common sense indicated to apply gradualism and long-term planning to at least preserve all that acquired know-how.

The government did the opposite.

Legal security was violated by sector regulation modifying and placed Spain on the podium of countries with most ICSID complaints.

It decreed a renewable moratorium, which has been going on for 7 years, causing small and medium-sized enterprises disappearance.

Only large companies with capacity to develop activity outside their borders survived.

In last 5 years, 1 renewable MW has not been installed.

In 2016, government has realized that it will most likely not meet European commitments made regarding renewables participation in its energy matrix.

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The reaction has been to present an auction draft (made public last December 28th, Holy Innocents day) which shows, once again, the energy planning lack.

In the auction project:

* A Marginalist model is proposed in which the most expensive awarded price, fixed the one of previous awards.

This favors the appearance of proposals that will present reckless bid to be adjudicated and to obtain the most expensive price offered.

This criterion opposes the PAB (pay as bid), adopted in all successful international auctions.

* An Indeterminate Variable Price is proposed, a mathematical paranormal phenomenon that reflects State intervention in private activity and the total ignorance of renewable technologies operation by those who have drafted and in 2014 sanctioned the legislation that supports it.

This criterion also goes against the Fixed Cost Price per kWh offered , adopted in all international auctions that have obtained good results.

* A Technologically Neutral criterion is adopted instead of auctioning quotas for each renewable technology.

This is very dangerous because it leaves out younger technologies that now are less profitable than others, but could be more profitable in the future; as is the case of solar thermal in which Spain is the world leader.

It also goes against Technological Specification criterion, adopted in all the international auctions that have obtained good results in order to favor the renewable energy matrix diversification and several technologies development.

* There is no size discrimination. A portion of the auctioned amount is not reserved for plants under 10 MW.

* Prequalification is not required and there is no need for real projects.

It is an absurd and unreasonable proposal that turns renewable energy into a financial product and not into an energy policy tool that promotes employment and technological and industrial development.

It favors the macro projects and deepens energy sector concentration.

At international level auctions a low price concentration is taking place, with the consequent dominant position in few actors’ creation, which in long run will dilute the advantages of short term low prices.

Surely the auction will go ahead virtually unchanged and the 3000 MW will be awarded because after 7 years without business there is real desperation in the sector.

However, that auction is a success does not mean that all projects are going to materialize nor is it a guarantee that objectives will be fulfilled.

The explosive cocktail of Variable Indeterminate Price, legal uncertainty, huge initial investment, high financial leverage and yields even lower than 4% is very dangerous.

If it explodes, who will pay for the broken dishes of this irresponsible act ? We know the answer. Spanish citizens already had to “rescue” the bank sector and “compensate” energy sector.

The option of going outside auctions is not viable because in Spain there is no legislation that encourages or allows connectivity to set PPAs between private, but “Sun Tax”.

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Renewable energies grid parity is already a reality in developed countries and in some developing countries.

If aid and subsidies received from fossil fuels had been withdrawn, it would have been much earlier.

If we consider auctions as the only tool to increase renewables participation, we will be keeping an obsolete energy matrix paradigm and making a very serious error.

The energy matrix of the future is based on 3 pillars:

1) Energy efficiency

2) Renewable energies

3) Distributed generation

Real energy revolution and citizen empowerment path goes through prosumer figure and energy cooperativism development.

Concentration and energy centralization route involves only changing fossils for renewables to maintain the “statu quo” for benefit of the usual suspects, who will continue to act as a collection agency in collusion with political power of turn.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

Free Solar Tools (II)

On Internet we can find free tools for basic or low complexity solar systems dimensioning and for certain components or accessories estimation.

Sopelia research team has carried out an exhaustive search and testing from which a new corporate website section called Free Solar Tools has been created.

Selected tools were classified into 4 categories.

Today we will analyze the second one: Consumption Calculation.

In first category we have already analyzed tools to obtain data about solar resource and other variables to consider in estimating energy solar system will provide in our location.

Now we are going to analyze tools to calculate the “load”, that is, the energy demand to be satisfied.

Tools order is not random. We have prioritized the most intuitive, the most universal and those that can be used online without download.

For this second category our selection is as follows:

1) Housing heating calculation

Approximate calculation tool developed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay.

Consider the variables surface, heating technology, materials, openings, insulation and roof.

Data that interests us to solar thermal system dimensioning is kcal / month.

Imagen relacionada

2) Advanced Energy Efficiency Calculator

Tool to make detailed calculations of house energy consumption.

It includes a general table (all devices), a groups table (device families) and a configurable table (custom).

Last one is a version in which you can modify table data and know more accurately your particular case.

Resultado de imagen de electrocalculator

3) Hot water, heating and pool conditioning demand calculation

Spreadsheet for hot water, heating and swimming pool conditioning demand estimation.

Only Spain localizations are deployed, but can be used as template and adapt to any location by manually solar resource and other starting data entering.

Inputs: location, number of occupants and occupant’s consumption, temperature of use, collector’s number.

Outputs: collector surface, inclination, accumulation volume, yields and savings, demand and coverage calculation and comparative graphs.

Resultado de imagen de demanda ACS, calefacción y piscina

4) Electrical consumption calculation

Only available for PC.

Cannot be viewed from mobile devices (Smartphone / Tablet).

Application developed by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru to estimate electricity consumption based on each device power (W) and hours of use number.

Resultado de imagen de Ministerio de Energía y Minas de Perú

5) Energy consumption calculator

Very easy operation online free basic calculator.

Different electrical devices, their power, and their daily use regime are added.

Resultado de imagen de calculadora de consumo eléctrico

Accessing Free Solar Tools section of Sopelia’s corporate website you will find the links to have these tools and begin to configure your future solar system.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

The Networking Power

All started around 1 year ago, with the occasional encounter between a solar energy expert and a digital marketing expert.

Throughout these 12 months:

* The blog you are reading at this moment is launched.

It includes a Latin American region solar sector research work.

Three post from each of the 20 countries in the region will describe their renewable energy matrix, their domestic applications solar thermal sector and their photovoltaic sector.

Also contents about solar technology, current information and new developments are included.

* A solar e-learning web site that allows you to entirely receive solar energy training from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone wherever you are; was set up on a 3.1 Moodle platform.

* 3 ebooks exclusively sold on Amazon (Introduction to Solar Energy) and Casa del Libro (Technical-Commercial Solar Thermal Energy Manual and Technical-Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Energy Manual) were made.

* Solar Layout was developed, the most intuitive solar app for solar collectors and solar modules at installation site positioning.


* Participated in projects development and management (not only in Latin America).

* Equipment and turnkey solar thermal, photovoltaic and solar lighting solutions were commercialized.

* We have been Media Partner of the most important solar energy event at regional level, Intersolar South America.

All this was possible thanks to changes and transformations that in IT, telecommunications and work sectors have occurred in recent years.

Currently professionals situated in different locations can create, exchange information, interact in a virtual way, develop and manage projects.

Work teams are flexible. They are born, transformed and mutated depending on business opportunities.

The fuel for all this to work has been a powerful solar and linked sectors professionals and companies networking that increases day by day with Social Media impulse.

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What we could call “stable cast” is the following:

+ Marcelo Ferrari – CEO

+ Nahuel Rull – Argentina Country Manager

+ Tomás Ruiz – Solar Thermal Energy Expert

+ Francisco Ramírez – Photovoltaic Solar Energy Expert

+ Federico Redin – Facilities Expert

+ Dante Fiorini – Digital Marketing Expert

+ Rafael Chacón Almeda – E-learning Expert

+ Antonio Vites – SEO & SEM Expert

+ Sergio Fernandez Alonso – Programming and Apps Development Expert.

We want to wish you a prosperous 2017 in which we hope to continue collaborating in your solar energy projects and count on you to continue tending the Sopelia Network.

Free Solar Tools (I)

On Internet we can find free tools for basic or low complexity solar systems dimensioning and for certain components or accessories estimation.

Sopelia research team has carried out an exhaustive search and testing from which a new corporate website section called Free Solar Tools has been created.

Selected tools were classified into 4 categories.

Today we will analyze the first one: Solar Resource and Other Baseline Data.

In this category we will find data about solar resource and other variables to consider in order to estimate the energy that solar system will provide in our location.

It is the starting data for necessary solar system dimensioning in order to satisfy our energy demand.

Tools order is not random. We have prioritized the most intuitive, the most universal and those that can be online used without download.

For this first category our selection is the following:

1) Meteorological and solar energy data

Sponsored by NASA Science Applications Program and developed by the World Prediction Energy Resources Project, this site offers information and supporting documentation for solar systems dimensioning. The “Data Retrieval” section that interests us is “Meteorology and Solar Energy” and within it, “Data Tables for a Particular Location”. Once there, entering Latitude and Longitude of our location, we access a series of calculation parameters that we can select or obtain entirety.

Resultado de imagen de nasa

2) Daily and annual solar calculator

Spreadsheet developed by US NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory based on Jean Meeus astronomical equations algorithms. It allows to calculate solar day, year and location specific data.

Resultado de imagen de noaa

3) Renewable energies Global Atlas

Geographic Online Information System (GIS) interrelated worldwide distributed centers data. In addition to information about renewable energy resources you can access information such as population density, topography, land use, infrastructure and protected areas. The objective of this system is to allow users to identify areas of interest for further exploration. It is an initiative that involves national institutes, energy agencies, private companies and international organizations.

Resultado de imagen de international renewable energy agency

4) Opensolar

Open database (you can extract and insert information) with global average daily solar radiation data for each month of the year measured on the surface.


5) Monthly average radiation calculation

Tool developed by IDEA research group to calculate monthly average radiation on arbitrarily oriented and inclined surfaces.

Resultado de imagen de universidad de jaén

Accessing Free Solar Tools section of Sopelia’s corporate website you will find the links to get these tools and begin to configure your future solar system.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

The Real Energy Revolution

We are witnessing an unprecedented growth of renewable energies participation in global energy matrix.

But why does the average citizen not perceive the benefits and feel somehow alien to this process ?

The main reason is that this participation is built on an already obsolete energy matrix paradigm.

The 3 pillars of the future energy matrix are:

1) Energy efficiency

In this element the consumer is the variable of greater weight.

The transformation is related to a energy consumption habits profound change. It is very difficult to happen in those countries with a high subsidy component in their energy tariffs.

The other important aspect and on which the states can directly act is the stimulus for more efficient devices acquisition.

The energy efficiency generates a lower demand and therefore a decrease of generation investment.

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2) Renewable energies

In energy-importing countries (mostly in Latam) renewables development is an instrument to improve payments balance.

In any world country, a means to boost and make the economy more competitive.

Investment in a solar system is very high in countries that do not manufacture equipment compared to those that do.

Let us illustrate this with a concrete example: in the largest producer of solar modules (China) W FOB value is around US$ 0.50. That solar module placed outside destination country customs, for example Argentina, costs US$ 1.20 (+ 140%). If we add the commercial margin of the companies that sell and the companies that install them, the final consumer ends up paying US$ 2.50 / W (+ 400%).

The companies awarded renewable energy public tenders in countries where no equipment is manufactured do not pay import taxes for equipment and are exempt from most taxes.

It is a utopia the idea of short and medium term local equipment manufacturing if the country does not have the capacity to convert silicon to solar-grade silicon or technology to manufacture evacuated vacuum tubes. Especially if we consider the aggressive decrease in solar equipment price of last 5 years.

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3) Distributed generation

Distributed generation systems surpass those of centralized generation in national security (attacks, warlike conflicts, etc.) and supply continuity (natural catastrophes and seasonal peaks cuts) questions.

Distributed generation is also a wealth redistribution way, giving consumer the opportunity to generate the energy he consumes and the possibility of obtaining an income from the surplus.

New energy infrastructure investments should be directed towards interconnecting and renewables integrating systems and abandoning the paradigm of an already obsolete energy matrix (distribution from centralized generation plants).

Efforts to develop large wind and solar generation should be redirected to distributed generation systems development.

Large plants should be only a complement, located only in locations where renewable resource potential is very high and take advantage primarily of rooftop and ceilings surface instead of being placed in soils that could have other uses.

Fingers and toes are enough to count worldwide renewable sector EPC companies of a certain scale projects.

These companies are itinerant. They land in countries with great potential where the ban is lifted.

In Europe the main countries of the itinerary were Spain, France, Italy and now United Kingdom.

In Latin America they went to Chile, Brazil, Mexico and now Argentina.

The myth that this type of projects generates a large number of stable jobs is false. The work is intensive only at construction time. Then the operation and maintenance of these plants is relatively simple and is done remotely with very little personnel on field.

We are not against renewable generation plants development, what we manifest is that the energy matrix paradigm is the one that is already obsolete.

The renewable resource generates energy where it is available. If we take advantage of it there, we avoid all expenses and eliminate all energy losses inherent to the distribution of that energy.

Stable jobs generation and sustainable economic renewable sector development go hand in hand with distributed generation and prosumer (residential, industrial and services) figure development.

Solar is the ideal renewable energy for distributed generation because it has the highest integration into urban environment level.

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Countries that take the following steps to achieve the future energy matrix, will make their economy more competitive:

• Stimulating efficient devices acquisition (special financing, tax exemptions) or taxing non efficient devices acquisition

• Eliminate import taxes on renewable equipment inputs that cannot be manufactured in the short and medium term and focus industrial effort on imported inputs supplemented with local raw material inputs

• Give priority to distributed generation and prosumers creation over large generation power plants development

• Invest in interconnection and renewables integration energy infrastructure and gradually abandon the obsolete energy matrix (large power systems – distribution).

It is a long process but, like every great journey, it begins by taking a step.

Municipalities (in solar thermal energy) and Provinces (in photovoltaic solar energy) have the power to promote solar distributed generation development.

There are examples on which they can work to adapt to each local reality and to introduce improvements to avoid mistakes.

In distributed solar thermal energy, an example can be the Spanish Technical Building Code (CTE). An improvement to introduce to this referent could be the obligation of a periodic maintenance to verify the system good operation and to corroborate solar fraction required is reached.

In distributed photovoltaic solar energy, an example may be the net-metering regime of some US states (eg California). In this case, the implementation of complementary financial tools (special financing, leasing), that have promoted its great development, could be imitated.

Conditions (political and economic stability) must be created for desired events to occur.

Reality cannot be modified by laws.

For example, if a Latin American province has regulations to promote distributed generation since 2013 and in 3 years have connected 10 systems, it means that we are doing something wrong.

As in all life aspects of any individual or society, goals must be set (ambitious but at same time achievable) in order to achieve success, deadlines must be set and periodic measurements must be made to introduce improvements and correct errors.

This is very difficult if long-term energy policies that surpass current government are not adopted.

For now, short term rules.

It is easier to sit down with a few to negotiate and cut tapes for the photo, than work seriously and in the long run for general interest.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

The Solar Energy

Solar energy is the energy obtained by capturing light and heat emitted by the sun.

Radiation power varies by time of day, weather conditions and latitude.

It can be assumed that a good surface radiation value is about 1000 W / m².

This power is known as irradiance.

Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse way, or the sum of both components.

Direct radiation comes directly from the solar focus, without intermediate reflections or refractions.

The diffuse is issued by the daytime sky thanks to the multiple reflection and solar refraction phenomena of the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements.

Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use, while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused radiation coming from all directions.

Albedo radiation is reflected by the bodies located around the surface on which we want to assess the radiation.

The amount of energy due to sunlight direct radiation an exposed surface can intercept depends on the angle between the ray and the surface in question.

If the surface is perpendicular to the rays, this value is maximum, decreasing as the angle does.

The intensity on the surface varies in the same proportion as energy does.

This tilt effect is the reason why sunlight heat much more up at noon than in early morning or late afternoon.

It is also the reason why high-latitude regions (near the poles) received much less energy than the closest to Ecuador.

Solar coordinates used to determine Sun position referred to the horizontal plane are two:

Solar Height (h) which is the angle between the sun’s rays on the horizontal surface. The zenith angle is the rays angle with the vertical, that is, the complement of the height.

Resultado de imagen de altura solar

Solar height (northern hemisphere perspective)

Azimuth (A) which is the Sun angle rotation measured on the horizontal plane through the ray projection on said plane and taking as origin the North if we are in the southern hemisphere.

By convention, the azimuth is considered negative when the sun is to the east (morning) and positive when placed to the west (after noon).

Resultado de imagen de azimut solar


The theoretical number of sunshine hours is time length between sunrise and sunset.

In these 2 times the height of the sun is zero.

The number of sunlight hours depends on the geographical point considered and the time of year.

During the summer, the sun makes a very wide and high trajectory on the sky and is long over the horizon. The opposite happens in winter.

Resultado de imagen de trayectoria del sol y estaciones

Path of the sun in different seasons (southern hemisphere perspective)

At solar noon (instant when the azimuth is zero), the sun elevation is maximum and shadows length minimun.

The shadow on the floor of a vertical rod coincide with meridian (South-North) direction, which must be accurately determined, for example, to correctly orient solar collectors or modules.

The most important factor influencing the amount of incident solar energy on a location or particular area is cloudy days ratio that occur each year.

This content is extracted from “Introduction to Solar Energy” ebook sold exclusively at Amazon.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

Solar Municipality Manual

In September 2014 we sent to General Pueyrredón Municipality government in Argentina a draft with proposals.

It was proposed energy efficiency and increased use, promotion and development of solar energy at municipal level.

We believe it can serve as reference for those municipalities that are not using their solar resource and want to start doing so.

The proposals include the following assumptions / premises:

I) Economic evaluation (initial investment, annual savings and investment recovery period) of energy efficiency measures to be applied and solar energy systems to incorporate.

II) Energy efficiency and solar energy promotion to improve environmental quality, develop a new economic sector and new jobs creation in the Municipality.

III) Academic, business and institutional sectors participation.

Resultado de imagen de eficiencia energética

1.1) Energy Efficiency Proposals

1.1.1.) Public buildings audit to identify areas in which implement energy efficiency measures.

1.1.2) Public buildings whose roofs can be used to install solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic modules relieving.

1.1.3) Facilities with intensive lighting use (more than 8 hours / day) relieving to evaluate luminaire replacement by LED, which can achieve savings ranging from 50% -80%. Evaluate motion detectors installation in transit areas and other lighting devices optimization measures.

1.1.4) Evaluate replacement of boilers and air conditioners equipment by biomass, solar thermal and heat pumps, which can achieve between 40% -60% savings.

1.1.5) Installing saving systems (aerators, valves, low consumption taps, etc.) and water reuse (rainwater recovery, rainwater infiltration, etc.) in public buildings and encourage its use in private sector.

Resultado de imagen de energía solar térmica

2.1) Solar Thermal Energy Proposals

2.1.1) Use of solar thermal energy compact equipment to provide hot water to houses in social housing programs and new developments.

2.1.2) Use of solar thermal collectors (flat and vacuum tube) with heat transfer fluids, heat exchangers and independent accumulation tanks; to obtain hot water in public buildings and municipal pools conditioning.

2.1.3) Use of solar thermal systems for new construction public buildings and facilities conditioning.

Resultado de imagen de energía solar fotovoltaica

3.1) Solar PV Energy Proposals

3.1.1) Use of solar photovoltaic systems for lighting and electrification of schools, medical centers, police stations and residential users in isolated localizations. 50W to 400W systems.

3.1.2) Implementation of photovoltaic solar energy in signs (sea, rail, road and air) and parking meters renovation or modernization.

3.1.3) Assess solar photovoltaic energy incorporation in OSSE and other municipality’s departments for:

– Water supply
– Water pumping / irrigation
– Cathodic protection
– Remote satellite systems, fire detection, telemetry and other systems that must provide services in remote or inaccessible places.

20W-50W (emergency kits), 100W-400W (repeaters) and more than 20 Kw (block valves).

3.1.4) Street lighting. Solar lamp with led proof in place to designate (industrial park, municipal office, etc.)

3.1.5) Photovoltaic grid connection project presentation for programs like GENREN (Ministry of Energy).

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4) Long Term Policies

Municipality proposals within Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative framework.

4.1) Training

4.1.1) Renewable energies training activities development aimed at agents involved, whether installers, designers, professionals or companies; as it is one of the decisive factors linked to the continuous technology development.

4.2) Urban and Public Facilities

4.2.1) Implement the evaluation of solar technology architectural integration potential in facades and solar passive architecture principles application in new construction public buildings.

4.2.2) Provide treatment to solar ordinance proposal jointly presented by Puerto Hueche S.R.L. and the Clean Energy Research Group, UNMDP Law Faculty.

4.2.3) Public Lighting. Implementing solar and solar / wind street lighting utilization evaluation in all new developments making in each case the comparison with grid-connected conventional lighting system complete work needed.

4.3) Industry

4.3.1) Assess solar thermal energy equipment manufacturing feasibility in Municipality territory, considering that in Industrial Park related equipment manufacturers (heating and cooling) already exist.

4.3.2) Assess PV kits and PV lighting devices mounting feasibility. Synergy with UNMDP (Engineering Materials).

4.3.3) Promote the use of solar thermal energy in industrial sectors with practical applications:

* Brewing and malt
* Textile industry
* Liquid baths automotive paint cleaning and degreasing
* Food industry
– Hot water production for bottles cleaning and disinfecting
– Meat products, canned vegetables and canned fish washing, cooking, blanching and cleaning
– Canned sterilization
– Animal slaughter facilities cleaning.

And in service sector. Some examples:

– Hotels
– Urban waste collection and treatment
– Supermarkets and hypermarkets
– Laundry, carpets cleaning, upholstery, dry cleaners, etc.
– Car repair garages
– Glass containers recovery and reuse.

Solar energy development policies implementation with Sopelia.

Solar Mobile Tool

Sergio came to potential client Mary´s home and asked to see the roof where the solar installations would be located.

Once up, Sergio began to manipulate his mobile phone.

“Do not bother,” Said Mary … “there is no coverage.”

This did not stop Sergio because his tool works based on the location of the mobile device through GPS positioning (internet connection is not required).

From location latitude all calculations are performed.

Sergio selected Solar Thermal Energy from Installation Type Menu first.

Then he confirmed the location on the Map and selected Heating from Installation Use Menu.

Resultado de imagen de inclinación panel solar

The inclination angle of the thermal collectors depends on the use of solar equipment.

Sergio query his mobile, getting the result and informs Mary that 50◦ is the optimal solar thermal collector’s inclination.

Mary, a little surprised, asked what would be the optimum orientation.

“The optimum orientation of the solar collectors is towards the Ecuador” tells Sergio.

Resultado de imagen de orientación panel solar

For guidance, Sergio used Compass App recommended by his tool that has cautiously already downloaded in his mobile.

The last missing data: separation between thermal collector’s rows.

Because surface was horizontal, only data needed was solar collector height in cm.

Sergio query his mobile, get the result and tells Mary that 4.42 m is the minimum spacing between rows.

Totally surprised, Mary tells Sergio where the solar photovoltaic installation would be located.

Sergio selected Solar Photovoltaic Energy option in the Installation Type Menu now.

Then he confirmed the location on the Map and selected On-Grid Connection from Installation Use Menu.

Sergio query his mobile, get the result and tells Mary that 34▫ is the optimum inclination for photovoltaic installation.

As in this case the module rows would be placed on a non horizontal surface, Sergio consulted Mary inclination of that roof sector, which is 20◦.

Sergio entered deck inclination angle from horizontal with a positive value because cover inclination direction coincides with modules inclination.

Finally Sergio told Mary numerous Tips available at i App button to consider for collection surface setting.

Sergio made a very good impression on Mary and demonstrated professionalism.

This App exists, was developed by Sopelia R+D+I and its name is Solar Layout.

Mary´s satisfaction was complete when Sergio told her how could download Solar Layout on his mobile and, in a very intuitive way, get herself recommended values at any geographic location.